Tuesday, December 16, 2008
12:18 AM
Okay I know it's a lil' late talking about last weekend but, who cares?
Hahah alright, last friday we had Radical Night with Pastor Lia and mannnnnn it was so powerful all of us couldn't help but cry and kneel down!
And yes! It ended so late that reception was cancelled (Aww shucks!)! Supposed 9pm became 1035pm!
Wow! And thru this event I actually learnt about so many radical people who literally went up the mountains of knives and down the wok of oil!
In fact, I was so inspired I decided to stop self pitying and complaining!
So moving on, Saturday we had Retro Night! :D:D:D
I wore the supposed dress that they wanted me to wear and mannnnnnnn! It was so not me!
Yeah so I have a few photos taken with my phone!
Not gonna put up the rest since Han, Fanny (Fanny= Yifan. She complained about being 2 different persons so yeah, just to clarify.) and Zoe alr posted them.

Mel trying not to look cute

Fanny trying to look cute

Ivy in black


Fanny and Marcus!

Fanny trying to escape when she wanted to be in the photo

What will happen if Marcus's suspenders snapped?

Cheryl still as baby as ever

Poor Mel trying to look happy..


Peck looks so cute!

Peck and me!

I had the exact same face 10 years ago

Don't know what we were trying to do

So auntie right!

Cool PeckHoon and Auntie PeckCek
Yup we had so much fun going around taking photos!
Of course I enjoyed eating the most! Hehheh. :D
Sunday we has "Show Me What You've Got!"
It was totally hilarious okay! Especially the "Wash Clean Clean" skit, the PingPong one and definitely watching YongHui burping!
HAHA all of us went wild especially Pastor Lia!
In the end, Roy and Yassy also went up to sing the "Ice Kachang" song!
Hahah, so here I am, blogging when I should either be asleep or doing homework!
Anw, was talking to Fanny on Sunday about Dennis!
I really had so much hope but still, he didn't make that decision.
Anw, as I was saying, Fanny mentioned this outta random cos she felt this urge to tell me that al of a sudden.
That maybe failing BMT, SOW, and failing to get my friends saved, they were all tests from God.
Since I was the minority among E Zone without PO, that was what she felt like they were.
I believe in what she said.
Though these things may not seem like much, I'm reminded of how I left God previously.
When I faced setbacks and blamed Him for everything.
So I was telling Peck, and I told her I've made the decision never to leave God again!
I can't imagine myself leading a purposeless life like before again!
Praise God!
Oh yeah forgot to mention sth random.
Sheryl gave me half a heart before she left!
Though I knew nothing good could come out of that Diva bag, I put on the necklace since it was a gift from her!
Anyhow, here's sth even more random!
I'm going to cut my hair on Friday and I'm so excitedddddddddddd!
Yayness! :D
Whoops look at the time! I need to get up early to complete my homework!
Before I leave here's my verse for the week!
My revelation from God but I still don't entirely get it!
No matter what I will seek God! Ask Him why He gave me such verses!
I Corinthians 9:11
If we have sown spiritual things for you,is it a great thing if we reap your material things?
Friday, December 12, 2008
10:55 AM
Yes, what Cheryl and Mel shared about, to find the spark when doing mundane stuff.
We may be stagnant now, and it seems almost impossible for such a breakthrough at this point of time, but I believe in the power of a God who created this world and brought about miracles and healings in our lives.
However, I feel that I had the wrong mentality previously.
It's not just being dependent on Pastors and their sermons or the worship team pulling down the presence of God, it's about reaching deep into these people's lives and love them for who they are.
Whether it's a new friend, integration or backslider, or even anyone else you know, we were once like this.
It's up to us to be a good friend and really loving them for who they are.
Didn't we all wanted friends when we first stepped into church?
Y'know, I'm really grateful for Fanny, YY, Mel, Wendyly and all, who never gave up on me and mould me into who I am today.
As I was deleting mesages in my inbox (I can't seem to open it. Think it's full or sth.), I happened to read some of the messages I received from and sent to them.
There and then I realised I was really not easy to integrate cos I was always finding excuse to not attend service or CG outings!
Yup as Wendyly said, I had 1001 camps during June so I was using them as excuses!
Hahah. I think I deserved a tight slap.
Anw, I started laughing whilst reading the messages.
In fact I was so happy deleting my messages that I even deleted once I wanted to keep.
Anw, so I realised I get very excited over the smallest thing recently!
Like this morning, I tried to make my very own french toast!
Turns out, I had to scrub off all the chow tah part on the pot I used.
But I kept telling myself I did a great job!
Oh mann I sure hop the clothes hanging in the kitchen don't stink!
Anw so I was saying, I'm veh excited!
Not over wearing a dress (Was I ever excited about that?) but about Radical Night!
So cool! We get to get up close with Pastor Lia tonight and I can't wait!
Drats, I'll be missing the last episode of Forensic Heroes!
But I know what's more important to me! So, Radical Night, here I comeeeeeeeee!
As I was in the toilet (A bit random arh), this song came to my mind:
I have decided to follow Jesus,
I have decided to follow Jesus,
I have decided to follow Jesus,
No turning back, No turning back.
The world behind me, The cross before me,
The world behind me, The cross before me,
The world behind me, The cross before me,
No turning back, No turning back.
Yup and it totally made me realise that sometimes, there are sacrifices to be made when I choose this path.
Watching teevee is yet but a worldly thing.
So what's my choice?
I don't wanna turn back. Looking back, I realised the period where I left God was the darkest moment of my life.
I was insecure and bitter.
But now, I'm high like no one can stop me!
HAHA. All except Sheryl Lee Keying!
Anw I gotta go!
Tonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnes of homework waiting for me!
No wait, I'm going out soon.
Okay I shall make it up tonight!
Oh yeah my verse for this week!
Philippians 3:14
I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus!
New faith target for E3 is 12!
I believe we're gonna breakthrough!
Monday, December 8, 2008
11:38 PM
I feel like roaring. ROARRRRRRRRRRRRRR!
Feel so dead right now. Feel like forgetting everything and just going to sleep, hugging my pillow, especially when the weather is like, UH! SHIOK MANNNN!
Decisions translate into energy!
I MUST do my homework, I MUST go ahead with worship session and practise playing my guitar, I MUST get up and exercise, I MUST plan my life well!
And I must decide a place to have breakfast with laozhang.
Oh yeah anw, my hands are still numb after being the scoopy ytd!
Didn't realise scooping ice cream required so much effort! Wow!
Helping out at cafe was definitely fun and fulfilling! Don't laugh but I had to wear Jamie's scoopy tee! It was cute except it looked so small on me! Thank God I was wearing another two layers underneath! Now I have to was the shirt but I don't know why I'm so excited!
Thanks to Zoe, I got to serve in a ministry even though I didn't pass BMT!!! :D
Okay so am I supposed to be happy or what?
Actually on one hand, I'm rather happy I didn't pass BMT and SOW auditions.
Yeah I sound screwed, but I believed this is God's plan for me.
Maybe I'm just not ready. Maybe God wants me to focus on my studies and how to handle my CCA better. Maybe, this is His test for me.
Will I blame Him for every lil' setback I face and then leave Him like I once did?
That's when I'll shout a very loud a very loud, "NO!"
I should be doing my homework now but.. AIYAH BLOG AWHILE LONGER WILL DIE MEH?
Okay that's not it. I should say, "Please just continue to blog a lil' longer."
Alright that's not the point. Point is, I have so much to say.
Was thinking of fasting 3 days then realised that that's not what fasting means.
Fasting is not a time for me to diet!
Anw back to my point.
What was my point??? I can't remember!
Another one then.
My vision for 2009 is to be a TL by the end of the year and give one outta my 3 sheeps his/her last follow up on 18th november! Cool right?
And also to start serving after O's in hospi if possible! But most importantly it's where God wants to put me to!
And to be CG guitarist and more salvations!
(I just made a million grammar mistakes. Miss Kaur said never to start a sentence with 'and' or 'but'.)
In any case, I believe I can do all things who Christ who strengthens me!
Yes and I'm going to put a new verse into my heart each week!
So.. I should be doing QT!
Just a minute. Any moment now, I'm going to switch of the computer and do QT.
Any moment now..
(5000 years later)
Any moment now..
*Teeth crumble into pieces*
I feel addicted to spongebob.
Okay I am!
Not actually, not so much since my birthday and everyone gave me sth related to spongebob.
It was then when I realised he shouldn't be more significant than God in my life.
RAHHHHHHHHHHHH OKAY i really should get going!
I owe Mr Lim so much I think he's gonna whack me!
Oh and someone please remind me to collect my i/c this week!
Just a few more updates before I leave!
Red Rain's drummer, David, came to our church again! And funny Pastor How kept saying we can feel the presence of Jesus!
Funnier Yifan changed the "Pastor" to "Reverend" in her notebook whilst she was copying notes!
Oh and Garrett wore his Mr Busy shirt! Yayness! (:
I really am going off!
Adios! Sayonara! Goodbye! Zaijian!
Tmr will be great! Amen!
Okay it's alr tmr. Whatever.
comprises of craziness, craziness and even more craziness!
The most important value of my life? Love God, Love people, Love life, Love food!
My home is located at 10 Eunos Rd 8, #12-20, Singapore Post Centre, Heart of God Church!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
12:18 AM
Okay I know it's a lil' late talking about last weekend but, who cares?
Hahah alright, last friday we had Radical Night with Pastor Lia and mannnnnn it was so powerful all of us couldn't help but cry and kneel down!
And yes! It ended so late that reception was cancelled (Aww shucks!)! Supposed 9pm became 1035pm!
Wow! And thru this event I actually learnt about so many radical people who literally went up the mountains of knives and down the wok of oil!
In fact, I was so inspired I decided to stop self pitying and complaining!
So moving on, Saturday we had Retro Night! :D:D:D
I wore the supposed dress that they wanted me to wear and mannnnnnnn! It was so not me!
Yeah so I have a few photos taken with my phone!
Not gonna put up the rest since Han, Fanny (Fanny= Yifan. She complained about being 2 different persons so yeah, just to clarify.) and Zoe alr posted them.

Mel trying not to look cute

Fanny trying to look cute

Ivy in black


Fanny and Marcus!

Fanny trying to escape when she wanted to be in the photo

What will happen if Marcus's suspenders snapped?

Cheryl still as baby as ever

Poor Mel trying to look happy..


Peck looks so cute!

Peck and me!

I had the exact same face 10 years ago

Don't know what we were trying to do

So auntie right!

Cool PeckHoon and Auntie PeckCek
Yup we had so much fun going around taking photos!
Of course I enjoyed eating the most! Hehheh. :D
Sunday we has "Show Me What You've Got!"
It was totally hilarious okay! Especially the "Wash Clean Clean" skit, the PingPong one and definitely watching YongHui burping!
HAHA all of us went wild especially Pastor Lia!
In the end, Roy and Yassy also went up to sing the "Ice Kachang" song!
Hahah, so here I am, blogging when I should either be asleep or doing homework!
Anw, was talking to Fanny on Sunday about Dennis!
I really had so much hope but still, he didn't make that decision.
Anw, as I was saying, Fanny mentioned this outta random cos she felt this urge to tell me that al of a sudden.
That maybe failing BMT, SOW, and failing to get my friends saved, they were all tests from God.
Since I was the minority among E Zone without PO, that was what she felt like they were.
I believe in what she said.
Though these things may not seem like much, I'm reminded of how I left God previously.
When I faced setbacks and blamed Him for everything.
So I was telling Peck, and I told her I've made the decision never to leave God again!
I can't imagine myself leading a purposeless life like before again!
Praise God!
Oh yeah forgot to mention sth random.
Sheryl gave me half a heart before she left!
Though I knew nothing good could come out of that Diva bag, I put on the necklace since it was a gift from her!
Anyhow, here's sth even more random!
I'm going to cut my hair on Friday and I'm so excitedddddddddddd!
Yayness! :D
Whoops look at the time! I need to get up early to complete my homework!
Before I leave here's my verse for the week!
My revelation from God but I still don't entirely get it!
No matter what I will seek God! Ask Him why He gave me such verses!
I Corinthians 9:11
If we have sown spiritual things for you,is it a great thing if we reap your material things?
Friday, December 12, 2008
10:55 AM
Yes, what Cheryl and Mel shared about, to find the spark when doing mundane stuff.
We may be stagnant now, and it seems almost impossible for such a breakthrough at this point of time, but I believe in the power of a God who created this world and brought about miracles and healings in our lives.
However, I feel that I had the wrong mentality previously.
It's not just being dependent on Pastors and their sermons or the worship team pulling down the presence of God, it's about reaching deep into these people's lives and love them for who they are.
Whether it's a new friend, integration or backslider, or even anyone else you know, we were once like this.
It's up to us to be a good friend and really loving them for who they are.
Didn't we all wanted friends when we first stepped into church?
Y'know, I'm really grateful for Fanny, YY, Mel, Wendyly and all, who never gave up on me and mould me into who I am today.
As I was deleting mesages in my inbox (I can't seem to open it. Think it's full or sth.), I happened to read some of the messages I received from and sent to them.
There and then I realised I was really not easy to integrate cos I was always finding excuse to not attend service or CG outings!
Yup as Wendyly said, I had 1001 camps during June so I was using them as excuses!
Hahah. I think I deserved a tight slap.
Anw, I started laughing whilst reading the messages.
In fact I was so happy deleting my messages that I even deleted once I wanted to keep.
Anw, so I realised I get very excited over the smallest thing recently!
Like this morning, I tried to make my very own french toast!
Turns out, I had to scrub off all the chow tah part on the pot I used.
But I kept telling myself I did a great job!
Oh mann I sure hop the clothes hanging in the kitchen don't stink!
Anw so I was saying, I'm veh excited!
Not over wearing a dress (Was I ever excited about that?) but about Radical Night!
So cool! We get to get up close with Pastor Lia tonight and I can't wait!
Drats, I'll be missing the last episode of Forensic Heroes!
But I know what's more important to me! So, Radical Night, here I comeeeeeeeee!
As I was in the toilet (A bit random arh), this song came to my mind:
I have decided to follow Jesus,
I have decided to follow Jesus,
I have decided to follow Jesus,
No turning back, No turning back.
The world behind me, The cross before me,
The world behind me, The cross before me,
The world behind me, The cross before me,
No turning back, No turning back.
Yup and it totally made me realise that sometimes, there are sacrifices to be made when I choose this path.
Watching teevee is yet but a worldly thing.
So what's my choice?
I don't wanna turn back. Looking back, I realised the period where I left God was the darkest moment of my life.
I was insecure and bitter.
But now, I'm high like no one can stop me!
HAHA. All except Sheryl Lee Keying!
Anw I gotta go!
Tonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnes of homework waiting for me!
No wait, I'm going out soon.
Okay I shall make it up tonight!
Oh yeah my verse for this week!
Philippians 3:14
I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus!
New faith target for E3 is 12!
I believe we're gonna breakthrough!
Monday, December 8, 2008
11:38 PM
I feel like roaring. ROARRRRRRRRRRRRRR!
Feel so dead right now. Feel like forgetting everything and just going to sleep, hugging my pillow, especially when the weather is like, UH! SHIOK MANNNN!
Decisions translate into energy!
I MUST do my homework, I MUST go ahead with worship session and practise playing my guitar, I MUST get up and exercise, I MUST plan my life well!
And I must decide a place to have breakfast with laozhang.
Oh yeah anw, my hands are still numb after being the scoopy ytd!
Didn't realise scooping ice cream required so much effort! Wow!
Helping out at cafe was definitely fun and fulfilling! Don't laugh but I had to wear Jamie's scoopy tee! It was cute except it looked so small on me! Thank God I was wearing another two layers underneath! Now I have to was the shirt but I don't know why I'm so excited!
Thanks to Zoe, I got to serve in a ministry even though I didn't pass BMT!!! :D
Okay so am I supposed to be happy or what?
Actually on one hand, I'm rather happy I didn't pass BMT and SOW auditions.
Yeah I sound screwed, but I believed this is God's plan for me.
Maybe I'm just not ready. Maybe God wants me to focus on my studies and how to handle my CCA better. Maybe, this is His test for me.
Will I blame Him for every lil' setback I face and then leave Him like I once did?
That's when I'll shout a very loud a very loud, "NO!"
I should be doing my homework now but.. AIYAH BLOG AWHILE LONGER WILL DIE MEH?
Okay that's not it. I should say, "Please just continue to blog a lil' longer."
Alright that's not the point. Point is, I have so much to say.
Was thinking of fasting 3 days then realised that that's not what fasting means.
Fasting is not a time for me to diet!
Anw back to my point.
What was my point??? I can't remember!
Another one then.
My vision for 2009 is to be a TL by the end of the year and give one outta my 3 sheeps his/her last follow up on 18th november! Cool right?
And also to start serving after O's in hospi if possible! But most importantly it's where God wants to put me to!
And to be CG guitarist and more salvations!
(I just made a million grammar mistakes. Miss Kaur said never to start a sentence with 'and' or 'but'.)
In any case, I believe I can do all things who Christ who strengthens me!
Yes and I'm going to put a new verse into my heart each week!
So.. I should be doing QT!
Just a minute. Any moment now, I'm going to switch of the computer and do QT.
Any moment now..
(5000 years later)
Any moment now..
*Teeth crumble into pieces*
I feel addicted to spongebob.
Okay I am!
Not actually, not so much since my birthday and everyone gave me sth related to spongebob.
It was then when I realised he shouldn't be more significant than God in my life.
RAHHHHHHHHHHHH OKAY i really should get going!
I owe Mr Lim so much I think he's gonna whack me!
Oh and someone please remind me to collect my i/c this week!
Just a few more updates before I leave!
Red Rain's drummer, David, came to our church again! And funny Pastor How kept saying we can feel the presence of Jesus!
Funnier Yifan changed the "Pastor" to "Reverend" in her notebook whilst she was copying notes!
Oh and Garrett wore his Mr Busy shirt! Yayness! (:
I really am going off!
Adios! Sayonara! Goodbye! Zaijian!
Tmr will be great! Amen!
Okay it's alr tmr. Whatever.