Saturday, April 11, 2009
12:14 PM
This is what I'll tell the devil- Can't touch this (me that is)!
Was thinking what I'd say if this was Star Awards. It'll probably go like this:
我要感谢我的spiritual父母, How传道和Lia传道, 以及我的领导, Wendyly, Wendy, Garrett, Jamie与Charleston.
因为他们在我的生命中种下了许多种子, 使我成为现在的我.
最后, 我要感谢耶稣, 感谢上帝, 赐予我这条生命的阿巴父神.
That's the ultimate lah! I can't believe I just said that! HAHA!
Yes but I'm sooo excited!!!
Oh and to Mel, don't worry, I'm definitely fine! In fact, I feel great! Don't feel gulity! I knew in my heart that you guys were there with me in the spirit. Love you guys to the max!
Hahah and yes, after service we did 1001 random stuff!
1. Went to get people to wear the bunny hairband! That included Garrett (we sent his to Jamie), Zhuo and Mel!

(The background reads "Accounts Department")
2. Went to press the button at white gate with YY and the rest and said that we were Peter Parker, aka Spiderman!
3. Went to take random pictures with Mel, YY and of course, Chek! Hahah!
Yeah, was super high when I reached home and was talking to Sheryl and Bounce.
Decided to sleep early but mangaed to wake up early to do homework before going back to sleep again. Hahah.
But yes, I'm doing my homework!!!
Need to manage my time well man! 20 hours of study rule is gonna be easy!
comprises of craziness, craziness and even more craziness!
The most important value of my life? Love God, Love people, Love life, Love food!
My home is located at 10 Eunos Rd 8, #12-20, Singapore Post Centre, Heart of God Church!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
12:14 PM
This is what I'll tell the devil- Can't touch this (me that is)!
Was thinking what I'd say if this was Star Awards. It'll probably go like this:
我要感谢我的spiritual父母, How传道和Lia传道, 以及我的领导, Wendyly, Wendy, Garrett, Jamie与Charleston.
因为他们在我的生命中种下了许多种子, 使我成为现在的我.
最后, 我要感谢耶稣, 感谢上帝, 赐予我这条生命的阿巴父神.
That's the ultimate lah! I can't believe I just said that! HAHA!
Yes but I'm sooo excited!!!
Oh and to Mel, don't worry, I'm definitely fine! In fact, I feel great! Don't feel gulity! I knew in my heart that you guys were there with me in the spirit. Love you guys to the max!
Hahah and yes, after service we did 1001 random stuff!
1. Went to get people to wear the bunny hairband! That included Garrett (we sent his to Jamie), Zhuo and Mel!

(The background reads "Accounts Department")
2. Went to press the button at white gate with YY and the rest and said that we were Peter Parker, aka Spiderman!
3. Went to take random pictures with Mel, YY and of course, Chek! Hahah!
Yeah, was super high when I reached home and was talking to Sheryl and Bounce.
Decided to sleep early but mangaed to wake up early to do homework before going back to sleep again. Hahah.
But yes, I'm doing my homework!!!
Need to manage my time well man! 20 hours of study rule is gonna be easy!