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Wednesday, November 25, 2009
9:05 PM

It's 11pm here right now.
3 days and counting!

Saturday, October 17, 2009
1:05 AM

"On the street I saw a small girl cold and shivering in a thin dress, with little hope of a decent meal.
I became angry and said to God:
'Why did You permit this?
Why don't You do something about it?'
For awhile God said nothing.
That night He replied, quite suddenly:
'I certainly did something about it.
I made you.'"

Author unknown
Submitted by Sister Mary Rose McGeady,
Covenant House
Adapted from Chicken Soup for the Christian Soul

1:05 AM

Saturday, September 26, 2009
12:26 PM

Five Loaves and Two Fishes (Corrinne May)

A little boy of thirteen was on his way to school
He heard a crowd of people laughing and he went to take a look
Thousands were listening to the stories of one man
He spoke with such wisdom, even the kids could understand

The hours passed so quickly, the day turned to night
Everyone was hungry but there was no food in sight
The boy looked in his lunchbox at the little that he had
He wasn't sure what good it'd do, there were thousands to be fed

But he saw the twinkling eyes of Jesus
The kindness in His smile
And the boy cried out
With the trust of a child
He said:

"Take my five loaves and two fishes
Do with it as You will
I surrender
Take my fears and my inhibitions
All my burdens, my ambitions
You can use it all to feed them all"

I often think about that boy when I'm feeling small
And I worry that the work I do means nothing at all
But every single tear I cry is a diamond in His hands
And every door that slams in my face, I will offer up in prayer

So I'll give You every breath that I have
Oh Lord, You can work miracles
All that You need is my "Amen"

So take my five loaves and two fishes
Do with it as You will
I surrender
Take my fears and my inhibitions
All my burdens, my ambitions
You can use it all
I hope it's not too small

I trust in You
I trust in You

So take my five loaves and two fishes
Do with it as You will
I surrender
Take my fears and my inhibitions
All my burdens, my ambitions
You can use it all
No gift is too small

Love this song. Makes me want to give God even more everytime I listen to it. (:

Don't you just love God?
Everytime you offer up to Him the little that you have, He multiplies it and blesses you back with so much that you can't contain it.
Just received two cheques from my aunt -- One is a usual birthday present, and another, the exact amount I need for BF.
Wow, wow, and wow.
I'm glad my God is a God of abundance. (:

Was on hospi this week on Wednesday and Friday. Thankyou Xuejun, I really missed hospi!!
Even though I spent half my time washing dishes, I was really glad to be a support to the ministry. They were all chionging like mad, they deserve a good break after tmr!
HAHA oh yeah Aunty Lilian asked me if I cut my top ytd (If you know which one), and I told her it was supposed to be like that. So funny! Uncle Goh too, kept seeing him the past few days and he was always making coffee at night, hahah. They're such a lovable pair! :D

Pastor Jamaal and the team are just so awesome!
Didn't really get to interact with them but did get to know Kamryn when I was at Subway. She's just so amazing, so bold, so real.
The girls were playing with Rinnah and I saw how comfortable they were with one another. Nothing to hide. They knew that the other party were who they were.
Looking at them really makes me love kids even more. Gonna have dozens of them! Or maybe not. Don't wanna spoil the weighing scale after I've given birth.
Anw, funny thing was, we couldn't recognise Pastor Jamaal when he came cos they all look alike. But then again, we all look alike to them, hahah.
But I believe Pastor Jamaal's gonna share a great Word tmr!

Yes and ytd's PM was so powerful!
Jamie's prayer was so powerful! I could tell it was her when she went up. Really anointed, I love my CGL! (:
Charleston's really amazing too! Saw him busy with work ytd but he remained calmed and was never flustered when he had to deal with some problem.
And when a group of people came up to say bye to him, he took this opportunity to get to know them. He even knew a very new integration if I'm not wrong. Wow.
Garrett didn't scare me for the whole week (Hallelujah!)! When he asked me to get coke for Jennifer last night, even though I made so many mistakes, he still smiled and asked Annabelle to help me.
Wendyly had sore throat the whole week so we didn't start M18.
But she came to join us when we prayed ytd and eve though her voice wasn't entirely back, she still prayed loud and strong! Power!

Yes world! I'm so excited about life and now, I have to say the same thing again- It's time for me to study again.
Didn't do well for Prelim 2 either but there were major improvements in SBQ for SS and summary for chinese. (:
Thank God for my friends too. Peng and Emo Kia kept encouraging me when they knew I didn't do well. Emo Kia can be a great friend you know, if she just didn't keep hitting me throughout the debriefs. Now my arm's crippled!!!

7, 7, 7! With men this is impossible, but with God, all things are possible!
Can't thank God enough for what He's done!
Studying hard and getting 7 would be a great choice!

My main concern is not whether God is on my side but rather, if I'm on God's side. -- (Forgot who)

Friday, September 18, 2009
9:05 PM

Kobanwa, watashi tomodachi!
Here are some things to take note of while baking an oreo cheesecake!

1. You don't have to pop it into an oven, you just make it!
2. Get ready to stuff oreo cream down your throat!
3. Use an electric hand beater! Manual work isn't gonna help!
4. Be prepared not to eat dinner!

That's right, even Sok Min missed her dinner and didn't feel hungry after jogging! That's the power of oreo cheesecake!
All I wanna do now, is to turn bulimic.

My dad's yapping about some nonsense. Studious people must be bespectacled?

Turned out, I chionged home after watching "I love you, Beth Cooper" with Yisheng and Qiwei. (It was hilarious!)
Met Sara, Jessica, Cheryl, and Jojo Nah coincidentally!
That aside, I was at somerset when my mama called to tell me she was at Orchard!
In order to understand that, you have to listen to the story on how I bluffed my mama I was going to church and wasn't able to spend the day with her.
Long story short, we ordered pizza and ate the cake I made and now I've found the solution to asexual reproduction in humans. I feel at least 3 months pregnant.
It was pretty fun actually. (:
Got Crystal over and she introduced me to many funny videos!
Think I'm going to finsh up my card or something first before the live web chat with Sun!
Oh before I leave, I gotta show you these videos! One's really cool and the other's just a joke.



Prelim's over and Teng is finally playing guitar for her CG! So proud of her! (:
Praying that my sister and aunt gets a job!
Gonna be part of the HOGC experience team for hospi next next week! God's amazingggg!
Donating blood tmr! Joining E6 for CG afterward with Sheryl!
Don't you just love life?

Ps, anyone up for oreo cheesecake?

Saturday, September 12, 2009
12:27 PM

Thank God for such a thing called QT.
Was feeling pretty lousy ytd after leaders' meeting when eveyone was having cuddle huddle and I didn't know where to go.
At first Zhuo and YY said I could join them, then because she's Cheryl Ng, Cheryl glared at me and made me join my own CG. Thank God for her.
Joke, aren't I?
Felt really pissed with myself cos thoughts of insecurity and fear keep coming, even though I know God's my Security.
Thank God for revelations, for QT.
Think I'd have cried if God hadn't been there to encourage me.
It'd have been so embarrasing.
Thank God for Peck too! She's always there to encourage and praise me.
Now I feel like I'm ready to conquer new grounds!
Was just reading his tweets, and they always inspire me to go just a little further, just a little more, and just a little longer.
Thank God for all these people who've unknowingly sown into my life.

Going back to study soon.

Was studying with R7 people ytd at AMK hub.
They were so funny! Love hanging out with them! Miss them tons too!
Took MRT with Doggy after that.
But he said it was better than being shameful, which is quite true, hahah.
Ended up owing him a drink when we couldn't decide which door will open and I lost the bet.

Reached church afterward and ate nata (I lost the other packet!) and waffle (I finally bought something from cafe as I promised Cheryl Chan!)
Went down with Lulu to buy Pie Kia.
We were dancing and singing 'Happy day, happy day..'
Then.. Guess what?
We were seen buy a bunch of people, namely JO, Megan and someone.
Lulu said, 'It's called the joy of the Lord.'
My usual response, but I couldn't say it cos I was so embarrassed!

Anw, before I leave, just wanted to hire someone to be on the lookout for me.
I feel my life is being threatened.
First Deleon, then Garrett, and finally, Daryl.
Oh my mama, my lifespan will be shortened from all that scaring!
God, HELP!!!

Did I mention? I don't wanna make Spongebob my boyfriend anymore.
It's so yucky after I read about The First Reformed Church Of The Spongebob.
Thanks ah Jas, hahah.
There were things like, Book of Jellyfishing, believing in YAP- Yellow, Absorbent and Porous and whatnot.
All sorts of nonsense! I almost fainted when I read those.

Gotta 'tak zi' now.
Routines are the foundations of the spectacular. -- Pastor How

Saturday, September 5, 2009
12:54 PM

I used to think how leaders like Jamie, Wendy and Mel have really inspired me, but I didn't think much about how my own leader has inspired me in my walk with God.
Previously, I've always thought that Wendyly and I wouldn't click because we were of different breed. While she must've been one of the most popular girls around, I'd always hang out with people who weren't in the limelight.
Each time we sat together during service (when she's not on livefeed. RARE.) and we didn't have a common topic, I'd have this fear that she didn't like me.
Everytime I read her entries and didn't find my name written in her entries, I'd get disappointed.
But all that insecurity has died of anw.
(Wendyly, if you read this, don't worry kay! That was in the past!)
As I began to read (okay scan through) her posts last night, I could feel such an immense faith in her heart. Not because she felt that she was capable of doing everything herself, but simply because, she trusted in God.
Even when she faced problems in her studies, she'd never fail to reply me and encourage me when I tell her my grades are poor.
Whenever I was sleepy, she'd be there to tell me to draw strength from God and would sms me to keep me awake (HAHA).
Even when I told her about my crushes (past and present), I knew I could trust her cos she's never made me feel embarrased before. She simply let me say what I wanted to tell her and never probed too much.
She's just been sowing so much into my life unknowingly (I mean me).
Thankyou Wendyly, I love you! (: